3-Part Integration Series Method®

In these intensives, I will help you to navigate the regions of your bony landscape (skeleton) so you may begin to sense its global design. Through a somatic learning process, we will re-educate your nervous system and embody new movement patterns for improved efficiency. 

Lesson 1: Breath and Nervous System

States of excitation held in the nervous system can contribute to insufficient breath patterns, leading to inefficient movement. Similarly, inefficient movement patterns can lead to irregular breath patterns and states of excitation. This lesson will re-educate your nervous system, so that you learn to respond confidently to events, memories, and environments that cause anxiety. Together we will work to re-pattern the breath and the rhythm by which it moves. 

Lesson 2: Foot, Pelvis and Spine

The skeleton is a “weightless structure”, and all its functions (standing, sitting, walking), when performed efficiently, should feel effortless. This vertical structure describes a map that also helps navigate you through space. Together we will heighten your sensations around this boney construct.

Lesson 3: Upper Carriage 

The cervical spine (neck) is comprised of delicate bones which support the skull, sensory organs, nerves and blood vessels. How you use your neck is critical for the health of your entire spine. This lesson will help to refine the function of your ribs, shoulders, eyes and jaw. Together we will integrate your whole system and improve overall functioning. 


Artist Intensives