

  • "Allison is a gift. Her knowledge and attention to detail of the human body is extraordinary. She has an exceptional understanding of the internal landscape of the body. If you can find the time to study with Allison, I highly recommend it. The learning is profound."

    – Sandrine Holt, Actress

  • "Allison is a doctor of movement, anatomy, and the mind-body connection. She embodies presence and grounded awareness. She teaches with compassion and curiosity for each unique body and well-being. I trust her feedback about my body, as her knowledge, experience, and depth of study is unprecedented. Yet she approaches her work with humility and kindness, maintaining a sensitivity that it is not easy to change. She encourages her students to become curious about patterns and parasitic holdings––both mental and physical––asking us to become aware of how we are moving through the world. I have grown profoundly from taking Allison’s class. I am so grateful to have her in my life, to motivate, encourage and inspire me.”

    – Charlotte Schorr, Actress

  • "Tuning into the tiniest sensations in remote and unknown parts of my skeletal structure affects my sense of my body as a whole in a way that I cannot even begin to wrap my head around. I think I only ever felt my body in parts before. Even as I realize I am only at the very beginning of this journey, it is truly awe-inspiring – and Allison makes an amazing guide."

    – Nick Dubrule, Business Development Consultant

  • "Whether it be as an athlete desiring to move more efficiently, an actor striving to inhabit the physicality of a character, or simply a grieving husband processing the pain of my wife's death, Allison's Feldenkrais class has been a place of safety, discovery, and growth. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”

    – John Carpenter, Actor / Champion Fencer

  • “I have been going to Allison's Awareness Through Movement® class for 6 years now, and I can say, she gave me back the spring in my step! I'm lighter, freer, and more conscious of the way I move. Feldenkrais has given me hope that grace is again possible. It's deep, slow, nourishing, and informative. Allison is a gem! I highly recommend ATM®.”

    – Alicia Wells

  • “I am grateful to have enjoyed the teachings of many top notch instructors in many practices, including Allison Linamen, who is the perfect mentor and guide for this period of my life (my 70s). Though I am a beginner, the Feldenkrais Method® has already given me a greater internal awareness and freedom than I have experienced before. Each time a class ends, I’ve discovered something new that makes me feel healthier, as well as boosts my hope for the future.”

    – Julie Lazar, Writer

  • “Alison has been my teacher for many years. One of the things I appreciate mostly about Allison’s teaching is that she explains how each position affects my body, my breathing, and my way of thinking. Allison has patiently pushed me to a higher level of understanding and acceptance of how my body speaks to me. She shares her extensive training and experiences in such a humble and beautiful manner.”

    – Cinder Cernik, Retired & Rewired

  • “What words can describe my appreciation for Allison’s lessons on embodied listening and explorations into the nervous system, skeleton, self and embedded patterns of movement? My aging dancer body yearns for her classes, my film editor body craves the settling back into my bones, and my creative body uncovers and unlocks concepts, emotions and ideas deep within my brain––finding ways to let my hormones and nervous system settle and open up pathways of communication to try to make cool shit. For over 10 years, through Yoga and Feldenkrais, Allison has helped me figure out my breath. Thank you Allison. Every lesson is a new exploration - even if I have done the lesson before. Through injuries, medical histories, births, deaths, and life’s emotions, Allison’s lessons have been a cemented foundation upon which I rely.”

    – Heather Seybolt, Editor-Filmmaker

  • “My lungs/rib cage integrated with my entire body when I stood up. At first, on my belly (never comfortable), my lungs were congested. After the lesson - breathing better. I have asthma and osteoporosis/arthritis in my lower extremity or maybe all over by now @80.”

    – Georgette Pillen, Retired Golfing Grandma


  • “I started working with Allison one-on-one because I found that I would get lost in classes. As a beginner, I had a sense that yoga was about more than just a series of unrelated movements, and I wanted to see how things connected. Allison is a great listener and was able to identify the things I should focus on, based on my body's response to certain poses, as well as my interests. I have attempted yoga for years, but this is the first time that I have committed to it. Whenever I have a question, whether it's in person during the session or even over email, she responds with enthusiasm and care. Allison is a very serious and focused practitioner of yoga, as well as Dance and Feldenkrais, and she clearly takes so much joy in her teaching.”

    – Julia Holter, Musician

  • “I’ve been working in London on the new Game of Thrones series, and Allison and I have been practicing on a regular basis over private, live zoom sessions and the occasional audio recordings she sends me. Allison teaches with strong support and a soothing expertise that brings me to the mat twice to three times a week. Our private sessions have improved my overall health and endurance to accomplish such a demanding job. She is the very best at what she does, and we’ve been practicing together for just over 10 years.”

    – Greg Yaitanes, Producer/Director

  • “Allison’s yoga classes have sustained me through the pandemic. I love how she organizes classes by themes and how she incorporates somatic practice from her Feldenkrais teaching into our postures. We take the time to allow our nervous systems to absorb new information. Even though we’re on Zoom, I feel connected to Allison and the other participants as we practice together. Though I’ve been doing yoga for years, I always find new information about my body, my breathing, my mind. Allison is an outstanding, inspiring teacher.”

    – Louise Steinman, Literary Curator

  • “When I first came to see Allison I was in pain and in a weakened state from a persistently sore back and its resulting chronic pain. I was eager to find something that could help strengthen my body, but because of a busy schedule, it had to be something I could primarily do at home. Allison understood right away what I was looking for and provided me with a practice that was fitting for the condition my body was in. As my body got stronger, Allison seemed to know exactly how to tweak my sequence so that I was always gently moving forward, without ever overdoing it. Over the past eight months of working with Allison my body has steadily gotten stronger, while my pain has subsided. Today I feel better and have regained an old confidence in my body that I haven't experienced in quite a while. I am very fortunate to have found Allison, and I don't think I would be feeling this way without her…”

    – Jeff Tractman, Interior Designer

  • “I have been practicing with Allison for 8 years. Allison has a phenomenal understanding of the human body. I have recommended her to friends at all levels, some with no yoga experience, some recovering from injury, and some experienced practitioners. They all love and adore her. I have had Allison come to my office and teach people I work with for lunchtime yoga, and we have been lucky enough to have her come to our home and teach us on the weekends. Allison has helped me deepen my practice and find the peace and strength I never knew I had. She is truly a gift for us.”

    – Aida Rogers, Producer