Self-Directed Movement - Feldenkrais Method® Classes + Workshops

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Hip Opening (On Squatting)

“Hip Openers” are always a top request in my yoga classes. I believe what people are trying to communicate is a lack of mobility in the hip joints, which impedes range of motion. 

Loss of joint mobility is a slow and continual process. When you watch an infant move, you see them squat repeatedly to grab their preferred object, in order to raise it to their closest proximity.

Infants use their entire self: feet, pelvis, legs, spine, head… .

Expand your movement repertoire and try squatting––but not just as an exercise. Instead, try squatting to get closer to your object. Increase the synovial fluid in your joints, and change the orientation of your pelvis. Try doing this barefoot to allow your feet to bend and support you fully. 

Exploring different ways of moving can change the sensory map in your brain, create new patterns, and allow you to find ease. #awarenessthroughmovement #childrenareourteachers #thebrainisplastic #changeyourhabitschangeyourlife #freeyourhips #getclosertotheground #thefeldenkraismethod

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