The Feldenkrais Method®

Allison Linamen G.C.F.P

L e s s




Through the teachings of MOSHE FELDENKRAIS, I have learned to clarify my intentions, refine my feelings, and create new habits. These findings have become my greatest passion, which now I hope to share with you.

Please join me in discovering this miraculous system of harmonious movement and improvement. My purpose is to help move you towards your highest functioning self.


The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education is a practice, a process, and a system for self-improvement.  

The word somatics comes from the Greek root soma meaning, "The living organism in its wholeness." 

I believe somatics is really about refining your kinesthetic sense of how you use yourself in activity, of how you move in the world. It’s a technique of self-regulation involving the nervous system, the mind, the musculature––indeed the whole person. An apparatus that helps you to create a safe and effective container out of which to operate, and through which your entire self-image can be transformed.


I will help you to navigate your physical and emotional landscape so you can reach your highest potential. 





I believe that all of us can create change within ourselves when empowered by the tools of awareness, sensation, feeling and thought. We can improve our range of activity, treat chronic pain and trauma, and experience a more easeful and efficient life.

“In order to change our mode of action, we must change the image of ourselves that we carry within us.”

– Moshe Feldenkrais 
