Group Class, Tues/Thurs Above Below Studio Group Class, Tues/Thurs Above Below Studio

Awareness Through Movement®

Movement classes designed to help you develop new habits of sitting, breathing, standing and walking.

ATM lessons are designed to help students deepen their understanding of how they move. You will be guided through a gentle kinesthetic exploration, organized around basic daily functions, such as sitting, breathing, standing and walking. You will embody new pathways of movement, regain ease and comfort, and improve your self-awareness. This somatic method promotes intrinsic learning. 

ATM can be experienced 1:1 or in a group setting. Lessons are 60-minutes in length and close with a full body scan. Everyone is welcome.

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Private Session Above Below Studio Private Session Above Below Studio

Feldenkrais Method® 1:1

Private sessions designed to help you troubleshoot functional concerns, expedite recovery, and re-pattern habitual movement.

Using the core principles of Moshe Feldenkrais, I will work with you step-by-step to help you unlock your movement potential. Our sessions are designed to help you learn to slow down, listen, and discover unconscious patterns in a safe space. Through functional movement, you will begin to self-organize and bring ease to all areas of your life.

Less is more here, and there is no right or wrong. You are empowered to move in your own way, and at the pace that feels best for you. Our focus is not on what we do, but on how we do it. Whether you are in chronic pain or simply hope to improve efficiency, I will help point you toward your highest potential.


• 20-minute consultation to identify your concerns

• Individual postural assessment

• Personalized Awareness Through Movement™ lesson

• Daily practice design for physical and emotional wellbeing

• Follow up email with recording of your private session

• Additional audio recordings to further your education and extend support

• 1 FREE Awareness Through Movement™ public class

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Private Session Above Below Studio Private Session Above Below Studio

Breath Coaching

Lessons designed to regulate your nervous system so you can learn to respond differently to events or memories that cause anxiety.

Breathing is a response to life. It is learned behavior. As learned behavior, our breathing can change: it can be re-learned through the intentional use of perception, memory and personal history. Together we will work to identify your limitations around the breath and re-pattern the rhythm by which it moves. These lessons can reduce anxiety, regulate the nervous system, improve quality of sleep, digestion, concentration, strengthen lungs and so much more. 


• 20-minute consultation to identify your concerns

• Individual postural assessment

• Personalized Awareness Through Movement™ lesson

• Daily practice design for physical and emotional wellbeing

• Follow up email with recording of your private session

• Additional audio recordings to further your education and extend support

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Private Session Above Below Studio Private Session Above Below Studio

Artist Intensives

Programs designed to help you improve performance and efficiency within an athletic or artistic endeavor.

These lessons are designed specifically for artists, dancers, and other creatives who want to deepen their kinesthetic journey and apply somatic findings to their work. Through the use of fine movement and sensory feedback, we will study the whole self, improve efficiency, and clarify unconscious habits. I will help you open new lines of inquiry relevant to your chosen field and unlock your creative potential.


• 20-minute pre-consultation to identify your concerns

• Individual postural assessment

• Personalized Awareness Through Movement™ lesson

• Daily practice design for physical and emotional wellbeing

• Follow up email with recording of your private session

• Additional audio recordings to further your education and extend support

• 1 FREE Awareness Through Movement™ public class

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Class Series Above Below Studio Class Series Above Below Studio

3-Part Integration Series Method®

Courses designed to help you clarify self-image and address your whole person.

In these intensives, I will help you to navigate the regions of your bony landscape (skeleton) so you may begin to sense its global design. Through a somatic learning process, we will re-educate your nervous system and embody new movement patterns for improved efficiency. 

Lesson 1: Breath and Nervous System

States of excitation held in the nervous system can contribute to insufficient breath patterns, leading to inefficient movement. Similarly, inefficient movement patterns can lead to irregular breath patterns and states of excitation. This lesson will re-educate your nervous system, so that you learn to respond confidently to events, memories, and environments that cause anxiety. Together we will work to re-pattern the breath and the rhythm by which it moves. 

Lesson 2: Foot, Pelvis and Spine

The skeleton is a “weightless structure”, and all its functions (standing, sitting, walking), when performed efficiently, should feel effortless. This vertical structure describes a map that also helps navigate you through space. Together we will heighten your sensations around this boney construct.

Lesson 3: Upper Carriage 

The cervical spine (neck) is comprised of delicate bones which support the skull, sensory organs, nerves and blood vessels. How you use your neck is critical for the health of your entire spine. This lesson will help to refine the function of your ribs, shoulders, eyes and jaw. Together we will integrate your whole system and improve overall functioning. 

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